1. Have you got yourself into a bit of a pickle? Debt problems have a funny way of piling up so high that sometimes you're forced to stop and ask how the situation got this bad. Even though many people will state that you did it to yourself, very often it is out of your personal control. You now have to make a decision, file for bankruptcy or more of the same while it steadily becomes worse.
2. Every single state in the United States has it's very own interpretation on bankruptcy, some better than others. In some states you are permitted to hold onto your assets while other states grab hold of everything you own and require you to turn over ownership. Just about every state and perhaps every western style country wants to ensure that your bankruptcy is recorded on your credit history. Just about every lender wants you to have approximately three years after the bankruptcy clear before they will consider lending to a bankrupt.
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3. It is true when they say that the bankruptcy laws can be rather complex. One of the most common is Chapter 7, which discharges all financial debts. Chapter 13, states that you are to consolidate your debts into one payment made to the court for 3 to 5 years. Many people who file Chapter 13 end up keeping their belongings. The weighting to qualifying for Chapter 13 is you must prove that your monthly living expenses don't exceed your monthly income. The other well known chapters of bankruptcy (11 & 12) are used for business and corporations for restructuring purposes or just plain simply calling it a day.
4. Why doesn't everyone just call bankruptcy when everything gets too hard. Put simply, your credit is ruined. For a long time after the bankruptcy verdict, your bad credit follows you around like an enthusiastic dark cloud. Every time you file for a loan, your credit report pops up and most lenders won't look twice at you. Even when a creditor eventually offers you a loan, you can expect to pay pretty high rates indeed. Some bankrupts have to take out a second loan to cover the down payment on the initial loan. How scary is that?
5. Many individuals are not put off by that but you have to be careful, that it doesn't descend you further into the trouble pit. Some professional would advise that you should put off borrowing for a couple of years while you recoup and plan thoroughly.
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