If you've come to a place where you can no longer manage your debt, and you don't see any way to pay it down in the near future, bankruptcy may be one of your few viable options. As stressful as living with debt is, though, the stress of a bankruptcy can also take its toll on you. Here are a few tips to help you reduce your bankruptcy related anxiety, and maybe even get a good night's sleep for once.It's important to understand that the effects of bankruptcy won't last forever. Sure, it's embarrassing to declare bankruptcy, but a few years from now, it won't have much of an impact on your life at all. You'll be able to get credit cards (usually within the first year), buy a car, and even purchase a home. Think of it this way - if you chose to hang on to your debts, where would you likely be three years from now? Unless you receive a windfall, you'd probably still be dealing with the stress of trying to pay off your debts. Talk to a close friend or family member about your financial situation. Most people will be far less judgmental than you might think - you might even find that people close to you have been in similar situations. Plus, it can help just to talk about your stress - it will clear your mind, allowing you to deal with your bankruptcy more calmly. Develop a plan for getting your finances back in order after the bankruptcy. Discharging your debts gives you a fresh start, and you'll feel much better about it if you have a solid plan in place for rebuilding your credit and your savings. If you don't want to go it alone, talk to a financial counselor - he or she can work with you to develop a path to financial stability. Take some time away from the situation. This might not be the right time for a Mediterranean cruise, but a night at the movies, a walk in the park, or even an evening talking with a friend can help ease your mind.
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